Merck’s Zostavax is a shingles vaccine approved for people age 50 and older. According to The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), Merck’s product is the only live virus shingle vaccine currently available. The CDC recommends that adults 60 and older receive a dose of the vaccine.
Shingles After Vaccine

Merck’s Zostavax is a shingles vaccine approved for people age 50 and older. According to The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), Merck’s product is the only live virus shingle vaccine currently available. The CDC recommends that adults 60 and older receive a dose of the vaccine.
The Problem With the Shingles Vaccine
Zostavax’s effectiveness in preventing shingles is reported to be about 51%. In addition, it’s likely that the vaccination causes the very disease it is intended to prevent – shingles – as well as chickenpox. The vaccination warnings regarding these outcomes may be insufficient to adequately alert patients, including some of the most vulnerable in our communities, of the risks.
There is some indication that the vaccination is linked to death. NCIV analysis indicates that there were more than 1,100 serious adverse events reports made to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System from 1990 until September 2015 related to shingles-containing vaccinations. Of these reports, 90 were for deaths associated with the shingles vaccine.
Both chickenpox and shingles may result in serious damage to the nervous system including conditions like meningitis, encephalitis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and stroke. Some people who develop shingles have serious side effects, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, congestive heart failure, or varicella pneumonia.
Signs and Symptoms of Shingles

Register Your Claim Online
Did you or a loved one develop shingles after having the shingles vaccine (Zostavax)? Fill out the form below or call 1-800-LAW-HELP (1-800-529-4357) to register your claim.
All consultations are free and confidential. Our legal team will give you straight forward and honest answers to your questions.
Watch to Learn More
Shingles is characterized by a painful skin rash. Usually, the disease first manifests by a pain that tingles or burns at a single site on one side of the body. A rash typically appears after a few days and may even blister. The rash can last for up to thirty days.
Shingles is mainly a disease of the elderly, but younger people can also get it. One out of every five people who get shingles end up with nerve pain that can last months, and even years.
Do I Have a Legal Claim?
If you received a shingles vaccination and subsequently developed shingles, chickenpox, or other serious medical complications, you may wish to consider taking legal action. Call 1-800-LAW-HELP (1-800-529-4357) to discuss your options.
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Defective drugs are medications prescribed or purchased over the counter that are supposed to help you, but instead cause you harm. Whether you were caused harm by a defect in the manufacturing or because the drug did not carry accurate warnings regarding its use, you have a right to seek justice.
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